Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Overcoming Jealousy- a piece I wrote about being a ';hata'; (envious of other guys) Is it good?

My grandmother once told me a verse she read in the bible. It read ';I may live better than someone, yet I'm no better than anyone';. Every since she died, I've been thinking about that quote she told me.

As a man, Im gonna admit that I have been jealous and envious of other guys. I used to feel envy toward guys who were more likable, more handsome, got all the girls, dressed better, worked a better job, drove a nicer car, and got their own homes. I used to see all of this and would just feel so bad about myself. I would have deep inner hate for the person, even if they've never done anything to me. Guys who been cool with me all along.

But one day I just said ';Forget this'; I was tired of being a hater. I was tired of comparing myself to other guys, working myself to death trying to compete with them. I developed this theory that helped cope with jealousy. This really helped me out a lot in life.

One day, I asked myself ';Why should I hate on that other man?'; We both may live different lives, but at the end, we're going to leave this world the same. We came the same way, and we going to leave the same way. So how is he so much greater than I? This other guy ain't out of my reach.

Everything he has, I can have. Jealousy is a no-no. I don't let that **** bother me no more. Now, I use jealous as a motivator to work harder. I don't try to be like the other guy. I don't even try to be better than the other guy. Instead I work on trying to become a BETTER ME. I spend a lot of time working on me, getting myself together. My attitude, my talent, my sense of style...all these things seem to improve when I'm jealous of other men. They encouraged me to work harder and become a better me. So don't waste your time hating on other people. Bless those who gets all the blessings, and pretty soon the blessings will come to you.

I've ran a girl away one time for been jealous. Jealousy in a man is a big turn off to women. It shows them that you're weak, insecure and that you're not happy with yourself. That was me at one point. But now I realize that jealousy isn't going to increase my chances with any woman.

Let's say your girl comes to you one day. She tells you that her and a male friend is going to the staduim on Saturday. Personally if that was me, I'd say yes. I'll let her go. I will encourage her to go. When she sees that I don't mind, she will be even more drawn to me and will love me for that. It shows that I could still live my life and be straight even when she's away for a minute with another man. A lot of guys would never do this, but even if you refuse to let her go with another man, she'd probably end up sneaking behind your back and do it anyway.

So there's no need to be jealous. Everything that other person has, you can have too. It's just not meant for you to have right now. We all got a certain time that God has set for us to get what we want. We all may be different to each other, but we're all equal to God. Nobody's perfect but Him.Overcoming Jealousy- a piece I wrote about being a ';hata'; (envious of other guys) Is it good?
Wow! Nice story you have there. Whatever you've written is true, but do remember some people have their own views too. But, one thing for sure, someone really, i mean REALLY cannot eliminate their hidden jealousy for someone else if they have some hurtful tragedy that had happened in the past that implanted in their souls.

From there, they will feel insecure, not in the sense of natural insecure, but with a cause. And the jealousy will always be there, just like the debris in the large intestines, that if we don't cure it or try to eliminate it by any means, it won't disappear. Worse still, they can jeopardize the victim's life out of jealousy.

From my experience, guy A was jealous of what guy B has, but, guy A tried to cover her insecurity (jealous) by using the practical side of mistake done by guy B and won't feel satisfied and in control until guy B was ridiculed by others. She even framed guy B of being the 'bad' guy and feel contented after that.

In order to feel secure, guy A needs to be in control. And since guy B is natural optimist and carefree; evading any control freaks, guy A was so obsessed of secure that she was willing to do anything, by hook or by crook, to get guy B out of the way.

Sometimes, i wish many people are like you. Have the initiative and sincerity of changing yourself, rather than hiding the problem and being so highly selfish/politics.

Im grateful that Im NOT jealous of anyone cause I am so confident of my beauty, talents, abilities, etc. Im soo contented of having what I have right now and i don't wish to have what others have if I dont' have what they have, if im not destined to have it. I always try to change or improve what is inadequate and promote positivity. And if eventually i have what i've work for in every aspect of my life, i just feel grateful that i manage to have it with hard work, rather than slandering other people's lives for jealousy.

Have a nice day! =)Overcoming Jealousy- a piece I wrote about being a ';hata'; (envious of other guys) Is it good?
You made me think about all the times i was jealous of a guy!!! Your right, it wasnt worth the energy! God makes everything make sense!! I love him for that. Nicely done and well written :):D!!!!
It's true that nobody's perfect but Him, but some ';God'; wannabes don't care about that. They just like to follow their own selfish desires rather than thinking logically. Can say, if possible, they would like religion fit them, rather than they fit the religion.

By the way, good writings! May God bless you. :)
If we're so equal to God, why are we not perfect? I only read the last sentence, but come on! It's just contradicting itself. Bloody religion.

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