Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to cope with this jealousy in friendship with this girl...Soooo challenging!!!....?

I work in a team of 12 (5 girls and 7 boys). Im a shy type but I joke around with girls. Problem is there is this girl who is close to all the guys but not so close to me. I like her as a friend and both of us respect and value our friendship but the problem is she likes witty guys in our team and she likes their jokes and she hits and jabs them when she speaks or jokes with them. I get upset coz I dont have the talent for witty jokes and Im not that smart among these guys and I feel down most of the time and sometimes I put up a long face. One day I asked her why she is treating these guys in a different way and me in a different way and she told me that from the start she has been moving with them in that way and she can't suddenly change her ways with me to equal with my friends. I was disappointed with her reply but I dont blame this girl or others but myself for being not able to be lovable or likeable by this girl and other girls in the team. I know I can't be acting like others but still everyone likes me as a friend but my problem is I dont know how to cope with my feelings when this girl is around with these guys my jokes seem not to work most of the time and sometimes Im the object of the joke or at the receiving end of it...pls help me at least how to cope with my feelings and keep a smiling face....(I can't avoid this girl as she is closely working with me in the team)....thanks to all for the answers..How to cope with this jealousy in friendship with this girl...Soooo challenging!!!....?
You poor thing. My advice is to stop trying to make her like you. If you just relax and make her believe that you don't really care whether she likes you or not, then she'll probably relax around you too. Tough truth, but most girls like guys who are confident and provide a challenge.

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