Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to cope with jealousy?

My boyfriend seems to be the mediator in his family and the one that every1 goes to with their problems, including his parents. He usually spends his day either doing things for or with his family or working and going to school. I understand that some things need to be done but im usually the one that gets left out because i dont live with him. When he does eventually spend time with me his phone is ringing off the hook because his family wants him to be home to help them with things that i feel that grown ppl should know how 2 do themselves (like finding a job, going to the store, etc). I do admire the fact that he is a strong person and i try 2 be understanding in certain situations but after dealing with stuff like this for over 3 years now it's starting to really bother me and my patience has run out. It's not a matter of him wanting 2 spend time with me bcuz i know he does its a matter of what he feel is more pressing. I dont know what 2 do. Am i right for feeling like this?How to cope with jealousy?
Other then ask if you can be included there is notmuch you can do. Your not married, engaged or living with him yet. I Know and def understand that it wears you thin but just think, when and if you and he plan on having a family those are very good signs that he will be there for you as well.

Try to talk to him and explain it without sounding liek your starting a fight.

Maybe if he is called to do something start you mind if I go with you? and take it from there. Of course you can't ALWAYS do this he needs his time to do things too.How to cope with jealousy?
Your Welcome. As far as the jealousy goes that is something personal that you must overcome, if you don't work through it you could lose him.

Make yourself busy too so that your not always let down when he has to go and do something.

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just imagine if they were your in-laws

if that thought makes your stomache churn then it could be time to move on

And I guess the other part of it is that if he can't stand up to them now, they'll just keep coming to the well because it never goes dry
If you have the same compassion, take care of some of the issues for him. That will give him time for you.

Pick the strongest person in the other group, and tell them to start thinking for themselves. Try to guilt them into some stress relief for your boyfriend.

And they could just be pulling his chain.
I think you hit the nail on the head, you're jealous. Jealous of the time that your boyfriend gives to his family. Realize that there are things that are going to take your bfs time as well as your own. 1) Work- If you think he'd rather go to work, you have another thing coming. It's something that has to be done.

2) Family + Friends- Like it or not interpersonal relationships have to be maintained. You may argue that his family are too reliant on him, but honestly that just goes to show just how trustworthy and responsible your bf is.

3) School- he goes to school, would he rather hang out with you, most likely, but he feels like this has to be done for the future.

Ultimately he sounds like a busy guy. It's a pity that you aern't understanding or empathetic. You are taking it personal if he uses his time for something else other than you. Sounds like he wants to have the rest of his life with you but if you show the lack of patience or understanding that might change. The worst thing you could do is show your jealousy especially regarding his family. It will drive a wedge between your bf and yourself. You have a good guy and if you take the time to realize this you'll stop getting jealous when he wants to spend some of his precious time with his family. After all there are a ton of women out there that would love a family oriented guy, if you continue down this path he will move on with his family oriented life with another more understanding and appreciative woman.
yes cause you feel left out so tell him how you feel and make sure that you give him details cause if understands he will take that and he will tell them that there on their on their own for that problem try it see how it works out

If someone really loves you they will put you first in their lives and others will learn to take care of themselves, let him know that if he's not receptive to that move on some one is out there that wants to be first just like you, jealousy can be cute but it can also produce anger if gone to far

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