I've been trying, with my husband, for 1 year, 2 months, and we're just in the process of getting referred to the specialist. But in the last 2 weeks 2 ppl at work have announced they're are pregnant. I would never, ever, ever wish their baby away, I just wish it was me too, and since I heard the 2nd news today I feel physically sick with jealousy- how do you cope?How to deal with other pregnant ppl?
I know how you feel, we have been trying for just over the two year mark now and I've counted a total of 19 friends and family that have shared their baby news with me, most of whom have had their babies and a few have gone onto become pregnant again. As much as I really wish them all well and hope that they have a happy and healthy 9 months! Deep down inside I too wish it could be me!
We haven't said that we are TTC as I didn't want everyone to be tiptoing around me. Just today, another friend told me how her best friend is now pregnant with twins!
I really wish it was our turn next! I know that my turn will come, it's the not knowing when that depresses me each month. If someone told me I would be pregnant by september, I would be more than happy to wait. The not knowing makes me think it's never going to happen, although deep in my heart I know it will ONE DAY. I wish I had a crystal ball to see when that day is. I wish that could say your turn is next and I'm right there behind you!
Sending you and all those on here TTC lots and lots of **********BABYDUST*************How to deal with other pregnant ppl?
I'm going through a similar thing. I had a miscarriage just over 3 months ago and now 2 of my closest friends have announced that they are both pregnant. I struggle to keep composure around them sometimes, especially when they keep talking about their pregnancies. I just wish it was me. I actually felt physically sick when I saw their scan photos and I feel so bad that I feel this way because I am genuinely happy for them. I hope things turn out well for you and that the specialists will be able to help.
Ah, how to cope?! We have been in this situation for nearly 17 years and to be honest, there is no easy formula - just Patience.
I, sadly, have an inherent problem with jealousy which has not helped.
I know that you feel helpless, but believe it or not, you have not been trying for that long, that there is no hope!
A friend of mine told me that her sister and husband went for years without being able to have children due to him being sterile; the same as my husband. 18 year's later, she has his child and then goes on to have another!!!
HOPE is the key word to keep you going.
I have missed my period for 2 months now and am scared out of my wits that it is bad news!
Please, do not feel bad about being jealous; just do not let it show! You are allowed to feel this way; being a woman gives us this right to want to bear children.
I am also a christian; one of Jehovah's witnesses and it has gone a long way into helping me to cope for I have the hope, if not now, but in the future, which I grab onto with both hands!!
It's hard to cope. I don't have an easy answer. I was able to get pregnant and have babies, but it was very hard to get pregnant. I got ';well at least you have one';, that doesn't make it any better. I know exactly how you feel. When your period arrives the utter anger that you feel. When I hear about people having abortions and using the Plan B I want to tear them apart. That's the worst, not the people that are going to carry their babies. But on the bright side, when you are around pregnant people, it seems to happen faster. Try taking False Unicorn Root. It is an herb used for fertility and has proven to be effective for many women.
I know the feeling. I havent been trying that long yet, but a friend of mine just announced she is pregnant. I wanted to cry. I wish her all the happiness and luck in the world, but it is so hard to know its not you. my husband is really good at helping me through it though. reminding me that when the time is right it will happen for us and that we should have so much fun loving eachother and trying. he is fantastic at lifting my spirits, but when hes at works and I'm by myself it sets in again that I'm still not gunna be a mommy. all I can suggest is try to keep your mind off of it, relax and maybe get away on a small vacation. when your not trying is usually when it happens. best of luck to you...and to me. I feel your pain.
honestly i completely feel for you. we are desperate to have a baby but have had no luck conceiving yet and it seems like everyone else in the whole world is pregnant. we've wanted to start trying for years but due to some anti depressants i've been on we've had to wait until i was off some of them which has been a nightmare. my mum had problems ttc so i am worried this may happen to me too so i know how you feel. all my friends have either had babies or are pregnant i am literally the last one out of my group that hasnt. they all seem to be really condescending too and talk to me as if they know it all . all i can say is try and grin and bear it - if there's a friend you can confide in talking about it really helps. i talk it all thru with my husband and my mum and one close friend who understands to get it all off my chest. if it's people at work that you're not necessarily best friends with maybe keep your distance a little if you can - but if they're closer friends maybe you can talk to them about it and tell them how upset it makes you.
sorry to ramble but i just feel exactly the same . you just want to scream at them to shut up !
i know this feeling, I have actually gotten to the point of breaking out in tears!. my husband and i will be walking and we both spot a pregnant woman, and he knows what is coming so he just reached down to hold my hand..I am so happy for them, but at the same time, i wonder ';what is wrong with me?';.. For the past 3 weeks now, I have been having preggers symptoms and now i am 5 days late, I am actually to the point where i am afraid to take the test, for fear of the SINGLE line.... good luck..and i do feel your pain, you are not alone. hang in there and keep trying..the world needs more good mommies!!...
I'm 24 weeks pregnant, and I've gotten some bad treatment from friends who are TTC. Remember to treat others the way you would want to be treated.....when you announce that you're pregnant, you won't want nasty looks and rude comments! Try to be happy for them. Pregnancy is hard, and hormones can cause some very bad mood swings.
Good luck to you in your quest for conception.
oh honey! so sorry but put it this way : soon it'll be you spreading the good news!!!
believe in it and try accupuncture, it works!
best of luck to you and ur hubby honey xxx
It's tough.
I went through this for several years, including not one, not two, but three of my sister-in-law's teen pregnancies (she got pregnant at ages 15, 16 and 18) before we finally conceived our first child.
Find safe people you can vent to (usually others TTC). Recognize that you can still be happy for them and grieve for your own problems. It feels strange and ambivalent, but it's really okay.
It's sort of like when you have a beloved relative who dies after a chronic illness. You can be happy that their suffering is over while still feeling awful for yourself for losing somebody you love.
I wrote a lot of poetry during those days, and spent a lot of time agonizing in prayer (I'm a Christian), and venting to other TTCers. I found a lot of strength as I helped them cope when they were hearing about other people's pregnancies, too. It's the community support that will get you by.
I found I couldn't vent to my husband about it. It just made him feel worse about our situation. I had to protect our relationship and keep building him up and staying positive for him, and he did the same for me. The really negative, ';poor me'; stuff that I felt (and was entitled to feel because infertility is horrible!), I took to other women most of the time who understood because they were going through it too. My husband did know when things were tough for me, I just didn't do the crying and venting and complaining part with him...well, not very often. It was easier for both of us to get through infertility when we were both trying to be optimistic and trying to reduce the stress for each other.
Good luck to you. When we found out *why* things got easier for us because we could focus on correcting the situation instead of just shooting in the dark. I hope you know your *why* very soon.
I can sympathise with you, I have wanted a child for 3 years now, and 14 months ago my sister announced she was pg with her third baby, i was happy for her but so amazingly jealous. I couldnt let on how jealous i was because noone knew i wanted a baby then.
Unfortunately my sister lost that baby. I helped care for her boys while she and her hubby were at the hospital and stayed with them for a week and cooked and cleaned etc.
Now she has put a hold on TTC, and me and my fiance have actively started to TTC although still not told anyone. Now i am scared either way - maybe she will fall pg before me again and i will be jealous again, or i will fall pg and feel guilty in front of her.......
its so hard!
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