Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can I cope with jealousy and turn it positive?

There's a woman who is very special to me. Every time I discover she's spending time with someone else I get very jealous. What are the ways to cope with jealousy and to make it into something positive? The feeling is absolutely terrible and acute, and doesn't last very long. I am finding I can just rationalize the situation and feel better, but it's so energy consuming to have to do that so often. Is there some preventative measure, and some positive expression for this tricky emotion?How can I cope with jealousy and turn it positive?
The key word is trust, without trust there is no relationship. Also jealousy is usually a result of low self esteem. You firstly need to isolate the triggers which cause the jealous reaction and choose a rational response to use when they occur. It is harder than it sounds, I know but it works well for me.

Try to build up your confidence in yourself and accept that you will be fine without the other person if you have to be. Also communication is good too, talk calmly with your partner about your feelings. Also talk to a friend for an unbiased view of your relationship. There is a load of advice and tips in the site listed in the resource box below, which you will find useful.

Always choose logic over emotion:)

Good luck and take care.How can I cope with jealousy and turn it positive?
Realize that you are something great and never compare yourselves to are lowering yourself to make you think you are not as great as these other guys. Be confident that you are a great person and never feel bad or compare yourself to others.

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