Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why are so many people jealous of the United States?

What causes the jealousy and how can those people learn to cope with it? Why are so many people jealous of the United States?
Well our country is the best, theres bound to be some jealousy...

I'm not saying everyone is jealous but a lot of people are, especially the haters and everybody knows it! Why are so many people jealous of the United States?
I think that a lot of people hear about all the Free stuff you can get here, and how our standard of living is higher. But if they are jealous, they should learn to find what is good about their own country, and realize we have a lot of problems here like anywere else.
Most people actually hate the us now... Mexicans come up here for the medical care and work. But thats about it today. We used to be a country that was the top of science and medicine and technology. But then we got arrogant. And now other countries are becomming better than us. Do you know, I was watching something on National Geographic and Istanbul, Hungary is now the place to be.
Um, yeah right. I wouldn't live there if you paid me a million dollars. It's the most unsafe country ever, you can get a gun if you open a bank account (AT certain places), I dare say that applies in the SOUTH most of the time. Or the mid-west.

Two words...

George Bush.

Also Americans don't realise that they aren't the ONLY country in the world. And I'm sorry but I don't wanna send my children to school one day only to find out some sociopaths have gunned them down.
i'm not jealous for sure. i love where i live, the people from the US are the ones that make my country rich. they pay a lot of money to vacation in the beautiful caribbean- i have lived here my whole life. life is good lol.
I don't think they're jealous . They might think we're arrogant bully's . They take advantage of our freedoms and benefits when they come here .
Jealous? Are you high?

I would never go live there.
I'm not

I' think i might be jealous of Japan

it's my dream to go and get my dream job and live there
jealous of the USA your kidding right! are you insane. i don't want too be shot too pieces
cuz we rule. joke.

they are?

probably cuz like the US and UK basicaly own the world yeah?

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