Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to cope with these negative feelings?

I think I have hit a breaking point...

Well...I thought I have overcame being so negative all the time but ever since February it all just hit me and knocked me down in this hole that I can't seem to dig myself out of...

Lately I have been feeling everything is my fault...I can't seem to do anything right or say anything right. I feel everything I do say is worthless and pointless. I always love uplifting others with positivity or something, but now I feel that all that I say doesn't matter and I even can't help myself...

If I can't help do I help others?

Not only that...I feel I can't relate to any of my friends...and even the love of my life. I feel like an outcast to them in this corner by myself...

And a few days ago I had to get over this jealousy feeling I was having with one of my bf's friends...she was being so clingy and just...and being in a long distance relationship with him probably isn't helping matters any...

Tried talking to a friend about it, but they made it seem like I was being possessive or controlling. I ask my bf was I possessive and controlling and he said no...I told him he don't have to stop being friends with that girl...and I told the girl how I felt about it and she seem as if she understood...

I don't know anymore...

I just...feel like breaking away from it all...I feel like cutting people away from my life who I thought were friends and really aren' is so hard too because I feel that I might regret it that maybe I am jumping to conclusions and assumptions and that they are there, but I am too absorb in my negative thoughts and depressing feelings to really see...blinded by my emotions rather...

I almost broke up with my bf because I couldn't handle the whirling of negative emotions...I tell him how I feel all the time...and he reassure me, but then its he really understand? I have gotten to the point that I don't think his words will help me...I feel like a hopeless case...

And on top of allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of seems as if I can never get anything done. I would start on something and never finish it. I feel I could be doing so much more than what I am doing now. I feel so stuck.

I hate this feeling of self-pity...

Have you ever felt this way? And if you have, how do you cope with yours?How to cope with these negative feelings?
Yes, I've been through this exactly. You're looking for self reassurance in your life. It sounds as though someone has been very critical to you in this lifetime. Did you endure a lot of negative verbal abuse from someone, is that person still in your life? You're looking for that positive reassurance you never received. I'm not sure what's went on but it's not been a happy experience for you and you are hurting, and I totally understand that feeling. I to have been there and still go through it. You have to build up your self confidence about yourself and your abilities and when those negative thoughts come calling yell SHUT UP in your head and force in a positive thought of your opinions, words, life and your boyfriend. I'm now married, going on 2 years and I can tell from what you've said about your boyfriend, he's a keeper. He's being there for you emotionally, which most men don't do, he's being supportive to your feelings of hurt and pain so love him, thank him and be happy you have a good guy that cares that much about you and your feelings, it's rare. Do things that make you happy. Stay away from people that kill your dreams and tell you that you can't do it. Love yourself, life and that you have support in your life. Care for who you are and things you say. Be happy, you're lucky and we just a few. Good luck!How to cope with these negative feelings?
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