Wednesday, August 18, 2010

All of My friends = jealousy?

All my friends are getting boyfriends or have someone crushing on them. Trust me im sooo happy for them! but im starting to feel a little left out. Like my all time two best friends met three guys on vacation and now i feel left out. I mean i heard two of the guys were fighting over one of my friends. How do i cope with the feeling of being left out.

btw...i cant get a boyfriend myself because no guy wants me.All of My friends = jealousy?
I feel the same way kinda. All my friends have boyfriends except me. I guess because I'm not ready for one yet..

But it does seem like you are jelous that you see them with someone and you are not with anyone. What I would tell you is that you shouldn't be worrying and thinking about your friends relationships because it's just lowering your self esteem like you said that you feel left out. Maybe if you want someone, you could ask your friends to hook you up with someone. That sometimes works. =)

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