Monday, August 16, 2010

How do I cope with my older child's jealousy towards her newborn brother?

My little girl was 3 years old when i gave birth to her little brother.Now, 6 months later she pees on her and we use diapers again. She loves doing all the babyish things he does. Do you have any helpful advice to ease her jealousy?How do I cope with my older child's jealousy towards her newborn brother?
Set some time for one on one with just her, taking her to a movie is a suggestion my oldest was three when i had my second and we went to every childrens movie that came out just the two of us or spending the babys down time just with her by letting her pick out the things to do during nap time, tell her you are so proud of her being such a great big sister when she does do something nice for the baby, try having her help with everyday cares for the baby, let her help straping the diaper, let her pull out the wipies, if the baby is taking a bottle let her help mix the formula and help with the feeding. let her know that her brother loves her very much and shes very special to him already and that as they get older hes going to love her even more.How do I cope with my older child's jealousy towards her newborn brother?
Always include her in everything let her help change the baby feed him and stuff like that and do something with just her like when the baby is asleep or away with dad or something. You have to try to include her in everything so that she know that she is still loved and needed.
Everyone has good posts i just wanted to add my oldest son went threw the same thing, when my youngest was first born, one thing i did with my oldest was i had him help me teach and show the youngest things, for example, the oldest would help me get baby wipes and a new diaper, i would ask the oldest to crawl infront of the the youngest, just to help me teach the younges, and the oldest felt like a big boy because he got to help and teach the youngest! Not only that but the youngest is picking things up so much quicker, I think the expression its easyer to pull some one down then to lift someone up kinda applys to what im trying to convay... i hope that helps, eventhough everyone else has great answers also :)
this is very common the older kid sees all the attention the baby gets simply for being a baby - you need to really be more proud of her for being able to do so much more - make a really big deal about stuff

';I am so happy you can walk.... baby cant even walk yet';

';I am so happy you can talk... its so wonderful having a child who can talk, baby cant talk can he';

';wow look at all the cool stuff you can do, I am so proud of you....';

make it a point that babies are basically useless and dont go on and on about ';how cute he is'; or ';how cute babies are';

I can related to her feelings myself as my mom is constantly giving attention to ';babies';

also let other visitors be aware not to dote on the baby... she was there first and her jealousy will become HATRED if baby continues to get praise for doing nothing but being a baby...
Make sure to include her in doing things with the new brother. Reinforce the ';Big Sister'; policy. Also, make time just for her again too. :) Congratz and Good Luck
Just remember that you have to give the older one just as much care and loving attention as the baby. The reason she's imitating the baby is because she see's the attention the baby gets from acting that way. It's just an attention thing. My niece was the SAME way when her little brother was born. Just make sure you include her in everything so that she feels special and doesn't want to compete with her little brother.
Having a second child is a new and challenging experience not only for the parents, but for the older sibling. For the older sibling, jealousy usually kicks in at some point because of the attention the newborn gets. Here are 5 ways for parents to deal with the jealousy of an older sibling.

1.) Get the older sibling involved with the baby in every possible way. Let the older child hold the baby, get the baby鈥檚 diapers, help to change the baby鈥檚 diapers and clothes, help to give the baby a bath, help to feed the baby, etc. The more you get the older sibling involved in the care of the baby, the more important the older sibling will feel. And you will be surprised at how much fun the older one will have in doing these things. What may be considered work for us will be fun and different for the older child.

2.) Set aside time for the older sibling. This may be difficult to do since babies don鈥檛 always have a real good schedule. If they want to eat or just start screaming, you have to drop what you might be doing with the older child in order to tend to the infant. This is where you will really notice the jealousy. You need to plan activities with the older child immediately when the baby goes to sleep, or when the baby is happy swinging in a swing.

3.) Go out somewhere fun for the older sibling, yet somewhere where the baby can go. Go to the park, go to the mall, go to a ballgame, go bowling.....go anywhere where the older sibling can have a lot of fun and can do things on his own, even if the baby does start screaming for attention.

4.) Take a short vacation with the older sibling. If you have parents or someone you trust to watch the baby for a day, take a one day trip somewhere where you normally wouldn鈥檛 be able to go with the baby...somewhere the older sibling will really enjoy.

5.) Give the older sibling a break. Let him go stay with Grandma and Grandpa overnight or at a friend鈥檚 house. Everyone needs a break every now and then...including kids!

The main points are to get the older sibling involved in the baby鈥檚 life immediately in any way that you can, and make a strong effort to give the older sibling attention. There will always be some jealousy, but you鈥檒l see that soon erode away if you make a conscious effort towards preventing it.
I know it is very hard to be coping with a 3 year old and a 6 month old at the same time. A friend of mine's daughter recently and over the years I have had serval friends also in the same situations had a similar situation. Some of the things the did that may or maynot work for you..

1. At least one day a week for a couple hours let someone else watch the baby if that is possible and have just special time with the 3 year old without her little brother. Something that you use to do... time in the park or just time at home you and her playing her favorite game or watching her favorite movie or a trip to her favorite fast food place. This reinforces to your daughter that even though there is a new baby she is still a very special person to you and you still love her just the same as you did before the baby came.

2. When people come to visit and want to see her brother, let her show him off to them... Have the visitor ask her to take them to her brother and ask her how they are doing.. Let her tell them in her own words about his progress and the new things he is doing...

3. Reinforce the positive and not the negative... I know this one is a very, very hard thing to do....but when you see her doing something for her brother, no matter how smal it maybe as long as it is positive let her know it.. try not to dwell on the bad things she does so much. Also have a special gift to her from just her doesn't have to be any thing big... a new book, crayons or coloring book... to show that he

4. Have her be involved in his care.... such as diaper changes, bath time, feedings etc... let her know that when she was a baby you did all of this with her... Even show her pictures of you performing these tasks when she was a baby..

5. I may or may not have helped... Sibling rivalry is normal and can either last a few months or longer if not nipped in the bud... if all else fails... Ask your pediatrician what to do... They should have lots of information and/or suggestion of games and ways to handle things..
Don't let your 1st born compare himself to the baby. That will sooner or later cause strife in their relationship, unless they're GOOD comparisons. Instead, ask for his help, and offer many thanks and helpful pointers along the way. Make his involvement FUN... include him every time the baby does something funny, (pass gas,spits up,etc.)
You have to remember that your older child is as special as your newer one, and have to make sure the older one gets that feeling from you. It's easy for older siblings to get lost in the newness of a baby, and they don't understand fully why the baby is getting so much attention and they aren't getting what they used to. Make the time to do something special, both for the older child, and with the older child. Renew the older sibling's self concept of being special.

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